Tuesday, May 12, 2009



Deborah said...

Nelson Mandela - a great man I believe - But Pro-Life?
I think not.
Or have I misunderstood the video?

When Nelson Mandela came into power in my country - he and his government legalised abortion.
Before then... the Apartheid Government only allowed abortion in cases of insest, rape and a couple of other cases.

The Heart of Things said...

Hi Deborah,

The people mentioned in the video were adopted. The message is that adoption is a YES to life.


Deborah said...

Nelson Mandela adopted?
And I thought I knew EVERYTHING about my hero.

But I agree about adoption.

Deborah said...

Hi Bill,

My oeps...

It's just such a common occurance in my country that when parents or even a parent dies or is deemed useless or incapable of looking after their children, they are passed on to other members of the family.

It happened to me when I was 8 - grandmother took me away from my mother to go and live with an aunt - but I have never regarded myself as an "adopted" child.

Our AIDS orphans are also passed "around" to those who are able to take care of them and a few of my friends now have children "left" to them by their domestic workers after dying of AIDS.

And it might seem strange but because of that "normality" in my country I have only seen "adoption" as the process where a whole lot of red tape and paperwork is involves.
A mater of semantics :-)

Talking to Your Little Ones About the Big Topic of Sex

A much repeated sentence we hear at our Theology of the Body retreats and courses is "I wish I heard this when I was younger!" ...