Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Life.... Imagine the Potential


Anonymous said...

Brilliant!! Everyone I have shown it to has had the same reaction. It gives me a sense of hope -- there are talented people out there who are trying to engage the culture where it is at.

Anonymous said...

but Barack is pro choice..... what exactly is this getting at? and his mother is an Atheist, and he is kind of agnostic himself. so where do you get hope out of that?

The Heart of Things said...

"Where there's life, there's hope."

Anonymous said...

the hope comes from the fact that though he faced all those hardships early in life, which is a big excuse that people use to rationalize these days, he became a presedential first. its kinda obvious. et tu semisomnia fatuae nomen anonymous?


Talking to Your Little Ones About the Big Topic of Sex

A much repeated sentence we hear at our Theology of the Body retreats and courses is "I wish I heard this when I was younger!" ...